Happy New Year!

I know, I’m a little over a week late.  It’s true when they say life doesn’t slow down. It always has a way of catching up with you.  I have quite a few pictures to update with, they just aren’t quite ready yet (but they will be shortly!).

In the meantime, here’s some of my goals for 2014:

  1. Overall, be a nicer, more loving person (not that I am never those things)
  2. Run at least 425 miles (my goal was 400 last year, and I reached far past it but I want to keep my expectations at a fair level in the event that life will get more busy, as anticipated)
  3. Control myself from purchasing pastries/sweets for myself (unless unprocessed and well deserved)
  4. Quit the bad habit I picked up in 2013 of eating white/brown rice with everything
  5. Quit the bad habit I picked up in 2013 of drinking soda
  6. Get toner arms
  7. Finish my thesis and graduate on time

We wil see how these pan out by 2015! ( :  I’m pretty optimistic about it.

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